TGIF to you all. I am really looking forward to a couple of days at home. Hope you are too. These are the things that turned my head lately. Enjoy!
Felt Succulents
1. Succulent Window Box from the ladies at A Beautiful Mess: All kinds of creative is happening here. They created this crafty tutorial as decor for a guest room, and I think it's super adorable.
2. Potted succulent from Kim at Today's Creative Life: A darling little potted felt succulent project is given here. It might even have a chance of surviving on my desk.
3. Apartment Therapy on crafty vacations: They provide a round-up of some terrific sounding crafty vacay's. I would just love to indulge myself on one of these retreats. Can you imagine block printing with Lotta Jansdotter in Scandinavia? Swoon. They also mention CreativeBug -- an online craft class platform -- for those that want to stay close to home (or maybe just pay $4.95 a month vs. a ticket to Scandinavia). Lot's of great classes that you can watch from your computer or even via their app on your iPhone. I have it and love it.
Cacti DIY Decor
4. Pillar Box Blue provides us with giant cacti: Great tutorial for a paper mache cactus.

Cement DIY Decor

Fiesta ideas
Feel Good Video
10. Tiny Tacos from Tastemade: I really meant it when I said I love all things miniature. So this video just makes me smile.
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